The best dough was the most important factor in getting a decent fermented loaf for me. Do it correctly, and your results will be really good.

There are hundreds of resources that will tell you how to make yeast. Everything seemed very easy, but no one worked for me. I can make the start of the starter up and down in anticipation, but the bread cooked on it was never good.


It will be tight and will not get a decent oven spring. In some places, I will get huge bubbles, while other parts of the crumbs will be dense and have small holes.

This is a sign of a weak beginning for beginners. In addition, I had a great starters at first, during the first 5-8 days, then became acetic and liquid. No matter how you tried to feed him, he would not live long.

Over time, when I gained experience and learned "trade tricks", the beginner's bread became more and more savory, and I was not afraid to share it with others.

Many people who tried it immediately liked its taste and texture and were interested in learning how to cook it. I have successfully learned my way to many friends and family, and I continue to receive requests.

I hope this publication helps all those who wish to learn how to prepare a meticulous craftsman quickly and accurately (or, if you like, handicraft) baked dough at home.

Ingredients :

  • 500 g bread flour
  • 450 g whole wheat flour
  • 50 g rye flour
  • 750 g water (around 85F)
  • 200 g levain
  • 25 g kosher salt

Instructions :

  1. Two nights before baking
  2. Feed mature sourdough starter using the levain formula above.
  3. The night before baking, around 6:00PM
  4. Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl, cover with a plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  5. Thirty minutes to one hour later, around 7:00PM
  6. Perform a set of stretch and folds. Cover and let rest.
  7. Around 7:45PM and 8:30PM
  8. Perform two additional sets of stretch and folds. Cover and let rest.
  9. Around 10:00PM
  10. .............................................
  11. .....................................................................
  12. Fоr thе full rесіре, Click here 

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