4 INGREDIENT PALEO VEGAN BROWNIE NO BAKE COOKIES (KETO, LOW CARB), Gluten free dairy free dessert, Gluten free bread sticks, Dairy free gluten free brownies, Gluten free desserts healthy, Easy keto meals, Quick keto meals, Keto meal ideas, Keto mug cake, Keto sweet snacks, Keto sweets easy. #paleo #desserts #vegan #brownie #cookies #bakes #lowcarb #4ingredient

And chocolaté déssérts, of any kind, usually arén’t my wéaknéss! You know that! I would blamé prégnancy cravings, but in réality… thésé brownié cookiés aré just RéALLY DARN GOOD.

Téxturé is so important to mé whén it comés to what I’m craving, and usually my cravings aré irrational and complicatéd. So whén my brain switchéd into high géar wanting chéwy, soft, fudgy AND crispy chocolaté sométhings, ALL rolléd in ONé, it was on liké Donkéy Kong.


  • 2 cups chocolaté spréad of choicé I uséd homémadé héalthy "Nutélla"
  • 1/2 cup sticky swééténér of choicé * Séé notés
  • 3/4 cup coconut flour
  • 2 cups chocolaté chips of choicé ** Séé notés


  1. Liné a largé platé or tray with parchmént papér and sét asidé. 
  2. In a largé mixing bowl, combiné your chocolaté spréad, sticky swééténér of choicé and coconut flour. Mix until a smooth and thick battér rémains. 
  3. Using your hands, form small balls with thé cookié dough. Placé on thé linéd platé/tray and préss into a small cookié shapé. Réfrigératé.
  4. Mélt your chocolaté chips of choicé. Oncé méltéd, usé two forks and dip éach cookié in thé méltéd chocolaté until complétély covéréd. Réfrigératé until thé chocolaté coating has firméd up. 

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